Irresistible Sales Emails Subject Lines


Did You Know? That a subject line can block a prospect from opening a sales email, just like a gateman can block a visitor from seeing his boss

So, what makes a good subject line?

The best email subject lines are creative, compelling, and informative without giving too much away. A good subject line that piques interest is the difference between a prospect opening or ignoring an email.

Let's Dive into it:

1. “It’s happening.”

This subject line is purposely vague as readers click through to figure out what “it” is. Product launch? Industry news? Huge sale? No matter what, they’ll naturally want to know.

2. “Let’s get real.”

Here you can introduce a pain point or bring up something to your prospects that perhaps isn’t being talked about among your competitors. A great way to highlight your unique selling proposition and grab someone’s attention at the same time.

3. “You deserve better.”

Anything you can do to butter up your reader is a plus. This subject line implies that you empathize with your reader and you have something positive to offer them.

4. “Lucky you.”

Similar to the headline above, this subject line relies on the power word “you” which makes the reader feel like they’re receiving special attention.

5. “I’m impressed.”

Compliments are a great way to win clicks. This is a prime prospecting subject line when you’re reaching out to someone regarding a company or personal milestone.

6. “Fix your [pain point] problem in [x] days.”

Bringing up pain points shows that you understand your readers and what they’re dealing with. In a single headline, you’re able to show empathy and present a speedy solution to that pain.

If you choose this type of subject line though, know that you have to deliver what you’re promising. If you say you can "boost someone’s sales in three days,” you better have a detailed, almost-foolproof plan for achieving that.

7. “Do you have [x] seconds?”

It’s safe to assume that just about anyone you’re emailing is crazy busy. This subject line respects their time and presents whatever you’re selling as quick and easy.

8.” $[x] in [X] months.”

This punchy subject line is a great way to highlight a client success story or what your typical customer saves on average thanks to your product.

9. “[x] days/hours left.”

Urgency and scarcity are two of the most popular triggers for encouraging readers to take action. Here you make it seem like the clock is ticking.

10. “[x] things you should know.”

This subject line implies that your reader is getting exclusive or personalized information, either of which can encourage a click.

11. “Can you keep a secret?”

This subject line can be used to hype up anything from a product launch to a subscriber-exclusive freebie (think: access to a demo or case study).

12. “The word of the day is…”

Money? Time? An industry buzzword? This open-ended subject line can go in a ton of different directions to drive clicks.

13. “This ain’t it, chief.”

This meme-worthy subject line is ideal for introducing a pain point or problem in a playful way.

14. “Leave [pain point] hell behind for good.”

Hey, this one actually looks familiar.

15.”Don’t visit our website (unless you want results)”

A playful example of reverse psychology, this is a sales email subject line that allows you to self-promote without coming off as smug.

16. “Nice work, [name].”

This subject line manages to compliment your reader while also letting them know you’ve done your homework on them.

17. “[Referral name] said I should get in touch.”

Bringing up a referral immediately personalizes your message and gives you some secondhand credibility.

18. “Really, [name]?”

This subject line forces your reader to do a double-take as they wonder what they did. Then, you can follow it up with a compliment (“Really, John?” I can’t believe more people aren’t sharing your awesome article…”)

19. “We heard you’re an expert, [name]”

Here you can highlight your reader’s accomplishments to warm them up for your pitch.

20. “[Name], got a second?”

Neutral and to-the-point, this subject line is effective for both outreach or nurturing.

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